Domenica 21 Giugno 2015, la ditta XM Studios pubblica sul suo sito ufficiale un comunicato che annuncia che il talentuoso scultore Erick Sosa, non è più a capo della Direzione artistica della ditta.

In più precisa che l’uscita di scena dell’artista è dovuta solamente da divergenze creative venutasi a creare e non per un cattivo comportamento di una delle parti.

Di seguito il comunicato in Inglese.

Dear friends,

As you’re probably aware from Erick’s Facebook update, it is true and with great regret that Erick Sosa is indeed no longer working as Art Director with XM Studios. In his time as AD, Erick has created some of our most beloved products and shared many ideas. He is truly a master sculptor and talented artist and we are sad to see him go. And because we respect Mr Sosa, we wanted to make sure there are no misguided speculations about why the partnership had ended. This is not due to malicious activities or bad blood between both sides. The main factor is due to creative differences – while the end destination is the same (which is to produce the coolest stuff on earth), the directions, ideas and approach differed quite substantially. A commenter on the forums described this as “watching the parents split up” and in a way, it is quite similar. It’s not always because either side has cheated or done bad things – sometimes there are just fundamental differences and the best thing to do, is to acknowledge those differences, respect one another and part ways amicably earlier, rather than later. In a way, this is a good outcome because both sides are fortunate enough to realize this earlier than later.

We hold (and always will) a great deal of respect for Erick and know he will continue to shine and create amazing works of art. We wish him the very best and will not forget the time he was with us. We hope that the community can kindly provide both XM and Erick the same respect and understanding. After all, this isn’t a joyous affair (Divorces usually aren’t!) so there’s no need to keep asking either side why or speculate negative reasons or take sides – instead let’s remember the good that has come out of the partnership and look forward to more cool stuff that will come out from both sides (Hate to say this which is cliche but there’s double the Birthday presents – used in the Jurassic World movie).

Thank you all for taking time to read this.


